Pointless: Rugby Edition | Much Ado About Rugby (Episode 36)
Pointless: Rugby Edition
Taking inspiration from the TV gameshow Pointless, Much Ado About Rugby presents Pointless: Rugby Edition. With the aim of the game to get as LITTLE points as possible by giving the most obscure answer, who will come out on top?
I would like to thank everyone from the r/rugbyunion sub-reddit who participated in the survey to make this possible. The points for each answer is based off of the responses of 100 real people from the r/rugbyunion Reddit page.
If you would like to play this yourself with friends, family, rugby club etc, feel free to click the link below which will take you to a Google Sheet with the questions and the points for each answer:
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/much-ado-about-rugby/id1514349135
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HbWmtSfH0PN3bplWD1BrW?si=mFQX6pC4QbyxXE2_CGM9_w
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muchadoaboutrugby/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/muchadoaboutrugby/